Our Local Listings Campaign is all about getting you to rank in the Google Bing and Yahoo business listings. Very few people click on the more places link, if you are not in the top three you are not going to get business from the Business Listings. We think thats a waste!
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Award Winning Digital Marketing Campaigns
Our Services

Create a good Google add campaign that works!
Being a Google Partner Agency means that we have had to pass a myriad of tests to understand the Google adwords system in most cases better than the tier one support staff at Google. That means we can set up a Google adwords campaign that is both efficient and effective.
We know how to set up your campaign so its not wasting dollars on irrelevant keywords that bring nothing to your business. The basic adwords setup will send you more irrelevant results than relevant
Scheduling, is also important to a efficient campaign. Dos your business convert more when you are in and open? Don’t run adds when you are notopen!
Location targeting is another important factors. If you are in Memphis you probably dont want calls from New York unless your customer base includes people in New York